Hello Lister's

I came across this spelling of a townland, 'Ballevickechone', in this
notice I am posting and haven't a clue as to what it could possibly
be. Ideas anyone?

Assizes held in Ulster 1615

That Murtagh and Donogh O'MULCHALLEN of Ballevickechone Co Tyrone,
yeomen, on the 1 of April 1614 at Conure Co, Antrym, stole 3 cows
worth 20s each, the property of Thomas MELTUNUS, and were relieved &c.
by Hugh O'MULCHALLEN,of Edenduffecarick yeoman, on the 4 of April

transcribed from 'Historical Notices of Old Belfast and Its Vicinity' 1896

There are often many variations in the spelling of a name. I wonder
what differences listers have found, with townlands or parishes, in
the areas of your own research?

All the Best

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