Bobbie, there was no attachment with Jim's email received by me.  I suspect 
(but may well be wrong!) that it's something that was created by your email 
client.  The attachment contains an web address (which is not 
directly accessible) and you have a hotmail address which is now part of

I wonder whether anyone else found a similar attachment with Jim's email?

Lindsay Graham
Canberra, Australia

On 25/11/18 15:52, Bobbie Reihsen via CoTyroneList wrote:
I have a question,  does the above 748 bytes mean that is what is the words 
used in the emails, and not an attachment to click on.  When I click on it,  
only the Co. Tyrone few sentences of Co Tyrone site  address comes up at the 
*From:* CoTyroneList <> on behalf of Jim 
McKane via CoTyroneList <>
*Sent:* Friday, November 23, 2018 1:10 PM
*To:* Mailing List
*Cc:* Jim McKane
*Subject:* [CoTyroneMailingList] CTI Every Name Index - update
Hello Listers - A Special THANK YOU to all our volunteers who are working so 
very hard!

We have now surpassed 71,300 records.

Best regards and a Belated Happy Thanksgiving

Jim McKane
South Bruce Peninsula, Ontario

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