Yes, using our Every Name Search there are only four entries for a William
McFadden. The first one is the Born/Buried; second is this Military one at
-  which I would say
is definitely your guy.and the other two are not him.

Merry Christmas

Jim McKane
Kitchener, Ontario

On Fri, Dec 20, 2019 at 1:42 PM Josie Turbach via CoTyroneList <> wrote:

> Re: - New Content - Tyrone Volunteers: A
>       List of Officers, 1805
> This is great - is anyone aware of similar lists for the group that went
> to Canada to fight in the War of 1812 and/or a list of "enlisted men" (as
> opposed to officers).   My ancestor (William McFadden) is known to have
> come from County Tyrone to fight in that war and then he remained in Canada
> but none of us have been able to find any information about him before that
> / in Ireland.  (your website has his obituary listed in the "born in Tyrone
> buried elsewhere" page).
> thanks.
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