............ All Our Mailing List Supporters!  May 2020 be Healthy, Happy
and Successful in your ancestry quests!

2019 was a HUGELY successful year for CoTyroneIreland.com mainly because of
Len Swindley's MASSIVE production of records for our ancestral appetite!
May Len remain our hero for 2020!

A few things which would make CTI even more successful -

   - almost every user has data which could be shared with others .........
   such as an ancestor born in Co. Tyrone who died or got married in another
   country!  Send us the details........ we'll post it and who knows you may
   find a "lost cousin"!
   - every year our advertising revenues drop by 10% or more!  Our only
   means of support are your donations and ad revenues.  If this trend
   continues, CTI runs the risk of disappearing!!
   - remember to pass our URL - CoTyroneIreland.com - along to friends and
   fellow researchers through your emails and social media - Facebook, Twitter
   et al
   - let us know immediately of any errors or problems with the site. We
   rely on YOU to help us keep the site completely error free and running

Again, Happy New Year

Jim McKane
Kitchener, Ontario
CoTyroneList Mailing List
Mailing List Email Address: CoTyroneList@cotyroneireland.com
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