Rick, My guess is that they could have been part of the plantation of Ulster in the 17thC. I suspect(based on my surname) that my ancestors may have been part of that event too but have not been able to find any records of who arrived from where and when. Any help (thanks Len S. for your earlier help) would be appreciated. Gordon

On 22/05/2020 3:14 am, Rick Smoll via CoTyroneList wrote:
My Morrison ancestors occupied a farm in the Loughterush townland (Kilskeery 
Parish) from at least the mid 1700s until 1970 when the last Morrison on the 
farm passed away (he was a bachelor), and the farm was sold at public auction. 
The earliest ancestor I have found records for was Edward Morrison, and the 
earliest reference to Loughterush was with the birth of a daughter of hisĀ in 
My question is: Is there a way to find out when the Morrisons first came to 
occupy the farm in Loughterush?
Thank you for any help on this.

   Rick Smoll
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