
On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 10:37 PM, Giovanni Lenzi <g.le...@smileupps.com> wrote:
>>> * .info object generation steals 1-2ms even on very powerful machines
> the only attribute we used so far was the db_name. Is db_name generation
> slow too?

No, slow is gathering all the stats. Especially in cluster. The
db_name you can get from req.userCtx without problem.

> This said, if db_name generation isn't too heavy, I'm inclined to say:
> remove every attributes, but leave db_name

It's hard to say who uses this property, but it certainly wouldn't be
simple to just remove it. I like the idea to make it lazy one: this
will preserve BC, but will make life better for those who really uses

>>> As for .form object, it seems more reasonable to parse .body right inside
> Spidermonkey. Moreover, it could be done in lazy manner – using getter
> proxy. It means .form property in .req object should be defined as a getter
> function, that parses .body only when .form is accessed.
> Totally agree. If it has performance impact, .form reconstruction should be
> left to app developer who exactly knows when he needs it

Agree here. However, again for BC lazy property is a solution.
req.form is potentially more popular than req.info, so it'll be need
to be careful with.

> Also I was wondering how heavy could be to include some kind of machine
> identifier(hostname or ip address of machine running couchdb) inside of the
> request object?

What is use case for this? Technically, req.headers['Host'] points on
the requested CouchDB.

> Or if you want to make it even more flexible: how heavy could be to include
> a configuration parameter inside of the request object?
> That could be of great help in some N-nodes master-master redunded database
> configurations, to let one node only(the write node) handle some specific
> background action.

Can you describe this problem a little bit more? How this
configuration parameter could be used and what it will be?


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