Hi Ermouth,
this sounds like a bonus feature of significant value:)
Together with the rewrite function this discovery would keep the couchapp 
enthusiasts of the community happy for a looong time, I believe.

If I understand you right, 
- a function in a _list of a certain ddoc called directly via the _list endpint 
(NOT via  _rewrite)
- can cache a rendered result (e.g. a html page)
- for a subsequent request via _rewrite (of the same ddoc) to pick up the 
cached result from RAM
- using a timestamp inside that _rewrite function to compare against the 
timestamped name of the cached result to validate that the age is within a 
chosen tolerance

Following this 2-step approach (_list, then _rewrite)..
- the _list function would have the full request context
- while the _rewrite would have the limited request object available
- the _rewrite and _list endpoints would need to be available

Control questions
- does this mean that you cannot point a vhost to _rewrite and run all calls to 
_list via rewrite functions?
- if you have one vhost pointing to _rewrite of a ddoc and another to e.g. 
_list would they still share the cache?

Testing this
- could you give us som sinppets on how to test this, I would love to see this 
in action and test it towards my JS rewrite functions.

> On 19. mai 2016, at 00.01, ermouth <ermo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Since JS rewrites landed in 2.0, and I use JS rewrites heavily, I discover
> some tricks with the new feature time to time. Despite I use patched 1.6.1
> with js rewrites, tricks are suitable for at least single node 2.0 as well.
> JS rewrites function runs in the context of a query server instance. QS
> instance is a Spidermonkey process with 64Mb of RAM by default. It‘s single
> threaded.
> Actually, seems that all query server functions of one particular design
> doc are executed inside one dedicated Spidermonkey instance. It means they
> all share global context (also it means they share one thread).
> Ddoc global context persists until Spidermonkey process is restarted. It
> happens when SM instance crashes (runs out of RAM quota, unrecoverable
> error happens etc), or when underlying design doc is changed.
> It means _list function can cache results of rendering into RAM, and
> _rewrite function can later quickly respond with cached version, skipping
> redirect to heavy map/list. Cache container is just JS closure,
> instantiated/accessed using built-in require().
> Unlike _list, JS rewrite function does not receive req.info, it would be
> too slow to tap DB on each request. It means we can not invalidate cache on
> local sequence change (DB update) – rewrite function just does not know DB
> was updated.
> However we can use timestamp-based caching, even several seconds TTL of
> cache entries is enough to reduce average response time significantly (say,
> order of magnitude).
> I‘ve tested approach a little and found it very promising.
> Since this dirty hack is possible with _list fns only, without js rewrites,
> may be someone already employs it? Or at least tried?
> ermouth

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