Congratulations Ermouth!

The number of systems and tools this replaces is "insane".
I found it hard to wrap my head around the previous version at first, but once 
in this works like a F-series Ford truck.


> On 4 Dec 2017, at 18:51, ermouth <> wrote:
> Hello all,
> happy to announce CloudWall 2.2, It‘s a toy
> in-browser noBackend OS, which uses PouchDB/CouchDB instead of file system.
> New features:
> * CW, both as a compiled design doc and as sources, now installs using
> replication.
> * All apps and documentation were upgraded.
> * Added latest Photon, Ddoc Lab and Inliner apps, with sources.
> CW 2.2 can run a) from static hosting, b) as a couchapp bound to a
> dedicated domain, c) as a couch-hosted app, directly from index.html attach.
> CloudWall is built by itself, so sources are good example how to build
> couch-hosted app of such complexity using nothing but browser.
> ermouth

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