Forgot to mention, this bucket is quite big (170 Gb of documents across the 
cluster) and most of the views are attached to one design document (both 
dev and production)

вторник, 29 сентября 2015 г., 12:07:57 UTC+3 пользователь Gleb Chermennov 
> We recently upgraded our cluster from Couchbase 2.5.1 to 3.1.0. <br />But 
> when trying to update documents or read from an index, we're getting 
> 'timeout expired' errors. That happens from .NET client and curl/postman. 
> We use .NET client 2.1.2.
> <br />
> When I looked into the logs, I found errors for document updates in 
> couchdb.log looking like this: `couch_log:error:44]dcp client (bucketName, 
> mapreduce_view: bucketName _design/main (prod/main)): Obtaining mutation 
> from server timed out after 60.0 seconds [RequestId 318, PartId 825, 
> StartSeq 0, EndSeq 34450]. Waiting...` <br />
> Something is wrong with compacting/updating indexes: `Set view 
> `bucketName`, main (prod) group `_design/main`, compactor process 
> <0.27790.45> died with unexpected reason: {updater_died,
>                                                 {updater_error,
>  {view_group_index_updater_exit,
>                                                   96,
>                                                   <<>>}}}`
> What does it mean? How do I fix it?

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