Hello everyone,

I've a use case to store a document (object represented in JSON). Object is 
very simple and can be represented as group of key, values. Something like:

  k1: v1,
  k2: v2,

Now looking at couchbase APIs, all of the store functions needs a key and a 
value. Values can be a document, but it needs a key. It looks like 
couchbase document store is written on top of a kv store. In my case I 
don't have a unique identifier for a document. What I was hoping that I can 
send this document to couchbase. And couchbase generates a unique key for 
this document. All queries to retrieve documents will be based on keys 
inside the document.

I'm not sure if my use-case fits couchbases model. I'm new to NoSQL and 
document stores. So I'm not even sure if what I'm describing makes sense. 
Let me know if you need more information.

Thanks for your help.


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