The following problem occurs with some of the mail accounts when connecting
to courier-imap-1.4.3 using mail client (Outlook Express/Eudora):
1) "unexpected termination of connection" message after 1 minute (even if
timeout limit on client is > 1 minute)
2) "timeout waiting for server" message after the timeout limit set in the
mail client (continuing to wait beyond the timeout will retrieve the

The first message occurs when Norton Antivirus 2001 e-mail protection is
enabled for the account. If the e-mail protection for the account is removed
the second message appears.

The problem only occurs for accounts that have 80Mb+ or 1500+ messages on
the server. I noticed that about 2 seconds after the authentication started
the server's hard disk showed high activity and that after some time I got
one of the above error messages.

Using telnet I got the following responses from the server:
   $telnet server 110
   +OK Hello there.
   USER username
   +OK Password required.
   PASS password
   (start of heavy disk activity - up to several minutes before OK
   +OK logged in.

It seems to me that courier-imap authenticates the user, does something on
the server (creates message list?), and then sends the authentication
confirmation back to the client. The duration of the disk activity is
dependant on the size of the mail account, i.e. the more messages or the
greater the mail account the longer it takes for the server to respond.

Two questions arise from this problem:
1) Is this behaviour normal, i.e. large account resulting in long
authentication delay?
2) How do I avoid/solve the problem (I know removing old messages from
server to reduce size is an option but one I'd like to avoid)?

The server is old and slow but it is used as a mail server only (see
configuration listed below) and I believe it should be able to do the job.
The server has approximately 10 accounts and receives/sends about 100
messages in total per day.

Server Configuration
- Hardware: Pentium 100, 32Mb RAM, 6Gb ATA-33 hard disk
- O/S: Red Hat 7.1
- Services: Postfix, courier-imap-1.4.3 (using authpam for authentication)

Mail Clients
- Outlook Express 6
- Eudora 4

Any help would be appreciated.


Michael A Beckmann

courier-users mailing list

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