Timo Boettcher writes: 

> Hi list, 
> I'm a little bit confused about the meaning of the ldap attributs for
> authldap. 
> I'm using authlib/authldap.schema from my sources. 
> My authldaprc is: 
> LDAP_SERVER             localhost
> LDAP_PORT               389
> LDAP_BASEDN             o=example.com
> LDAP_BINDDN             cn=Admin,ou=users,o=example.com
> LDAP_BINDPW             secretpassword
> LDAP_TIMEOUT            5
> LDAP_MAIL               uid
> LDAP_DOMAIN             example.com
> LDAP_HOMEDIR            homeDirectory
> LDAP_MAILDIR            mailbox
> LDAP_FULLNAME           displayname
> LDAP_CLEARPW            clearPassword
> LDAP_CRYPTPW            userPassword
> LDAP_UID                uidNumber
> LDAP_GID                gidNumber
> LDAP_DEREF              never
> LDAP_TLS                0 
> A sample entry (ldif): 
> dn: cn=joeuser, ou=users, o=example.com
> objectClass: top
> objectClass: inetorgperson
> objectClass: posixAccount
> objectClass: CourierMailAccount
> objectClass: CourierMailAlias
> cn: joeuser
> givenName: joe
> sn: user
> displayName: Joe User
> userPassword:: cryptedpassword
> uidNumber: 500
> gidNumber: 500
> homeDirectory: joeuser
> uid: joeuser
> maildrop: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> maildrop: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> My Questions:
> - Where do the mails go?
>   Should be /home/$homedirectory/Maildir (here: /home/joeuser/Maildir)
>   if mailbox is not specified in ldap, shouldn't it?

No, it shouldn't.  An absolute path is required for the homeDirectory 

> - Which is the login at the imap-server?
>   Is it $uid (joeuser) with?

In this case, yes. 



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