Jeff Jansen writes:

Does courier know (or care) when there is a message marked "urgent" by a client? Marking a message as urgent in Kmail added

X-PRIORITY: 2 (High)
Priority: urgent

Doesn't know, or care, is the answer.

to the headers. But a google search doesn't show any sort of standard on what is an "urgent" message and what to do with it.


I'm asking because we're on a dial-up link and I've got some scripts that check the queue every 5 minutes and then dials out when the queue reaches X messages. One of my users asked if there was a way to have it dial automatically when there was an urgent outgoing message. Her "solution" right now is to send X messages to a bad address so that she knows the queue is full and her "urgent" message will go out right away. (I can't decide whether to yell at her or hire her as a systems administrator! :-)

Hire her as an admin, and have her write the script that greps through all the messages in the queue (you can't have that many), and dials out if the queue contains an urgent message.

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