Colin Dick wrote:

I have all courier files installed under /usr/lib/courier. What folders specifically should I move to a partition mounted with 'noatime'. I guess /usr/lib/courier/var.

That'd be the important one. The spool directories are best installed in /var/spool (rpm install creates /var/spool/courier), and /var should be mounted on the fastest disk you have, possibly with the noatime option. Files commonly written to shouldn't be in /usr.

Would it be best to do all of /usr/lib/courier.

Probably won't make that much of a difference, but /usr should be safe to mount with noatime as well.

Do you think I should mount /home as noatime as well?

Probably, yes. Particularly on Linux with ext3, the costs of atime are extraordinary.

Also, is noatime
safe?  Quick web searches find conflicting reports and sob stories of
busted production servers.

noatime should never, under any circumstances, break anything. The worst that happens is that you lose some (unreliable, anyway) information about when files where last used. Unless you avail yourself of that information under normal circumstances, feel free to turn off atime.

Thanks for the queuetime suggestion. That is the setting that is equivalent to ignore_errormsg_errors_after that exim has I suppose. Is this setting relevant if I have a smarthost set? Do messages have to go into the queue to deliver to the smarthost anyway? I set a smarthost in attempts to ensure outbound mail from the box was not delayed.

Unless you're running a different setup on your smarthost, the problem is going to persist there. All you've done is move the problem to a different machine.

I have stopped saving messages in /var/opt/rav/quarantine and

Probably a good idea. I had to disable quarantine entirely as we were quarantining 20GB a day, and it was filling the /var partition.

I have stopped sending messages as an action of RAV scanning.  I
understand I was sending three bounces for every virus/spam detected by
rav.  One to sender, one to receiver and I think one to the rav coders as
well so that they can gather stats.

Using RAV as a courierfilter, it doesn't make any sense at all to send notices to the sender and recipient. I normally still send the stats to RAV. (According to my logs, I'm blocking close to 200,000 virii a day, which is 25% of RAV's reported traffic for Sobig.F.... yikes!).

Notices to RAV are the only messages auto-generated on my systems, and their queues run at about 100 messages normally. That should drop, I expect, when I'm able to run my dialback filter here. The number bursts upward when RAV generates a lot of stat messages, but it gets delivered all right.

I have also stopped bouncing a message to the senders of messages deemed to be spam by spamassassin.

Also good. A lot of it would be undeliverable and would fill up the queue very rapidly.

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