This is a quick and dirty solution I made based on the perlfilter example

works fine for me, please give it a try.

any improvements / bug fixes are highly apreciated.

Scott wrote:

RUIVO Eugenio Morais wrote:

I've been using clam-av and amavis-ng through courier's perlfilter setup
without problems.

What would be nice is if someone who has had success with these settings could write a howto for clamav and amavis-ng with courier. I used to use openantivirus with amavis and it worked spectacularly except that oav is dead. If I can find the time to try clam/amavisng setup on a test box I will post my steps. Don't hold your breath, though.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mitch (WebCob) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: quinta-feira, 16 de Outubro de 2003 16:12
Subject: [courier-users] Has anyone used courier & clam-av? What's the
preferred method of integration?

The following links seem to have some references... for those others who may
be looking:

Black hole seems to be interesting, in that it is C not PERL and can manage
both calls to spamassassin & clam-av...

BUT the documentation is lagging the code - saw some comment in the list
archives of people starting to work with it - anyone presently?

If not, anyone know which version of amavis works best and why?

My perfect world would be an efficient method of using spamc & clam-av
(which seems to be more active than openantivirus?) with database based
config for easy user driven control...

Hope this isn't considered too far afield - it is integration related. ;-)

Many thanks.


$| = 1;

my $filedesc=shift @ARGV;
my $socket=undef;
my $tempdir = "/var/run/courier/antivirus/scan-$$";
my ($line, $mailfile, $errmsg);
open($socket, "+<&$filedesc");
die "$!" unless defined $socket;

while (defined ($line=<$socket>)) {
        chomp $line;
        last unless($line);
        $mailfile = $line unless($mailfile);
# Ignore control files
if($mailfile) { $errmsg = viruscheck($mailfile); cleantmpdir(); }
$errmsg = "200 Ok" unless($errmsg);
$errmsg .= "\n" unless $errmsg =~ /\n$/;
print $socket $errmsg;


sub viruscheck() {
my $filename=shift;
        system("/usr/local/courier/bin/reformime -x$tempdir/ < $filename");
        return "432 internal mime handler failure" if($?);
        system("/usr/local/clamav/bin/clamscan", '-i', '--quiet', '--disable-summary',
                '-r', '--max-space=20000', '--max-files=1000', '--max-recursion=5',
                '-l', "$tempdir.rep", "--tempdir=$tempdir", $tempdir);
        if($?) {
                return "432 virus scanner invocation failure" if($? != 256);
                my ($fh, $err, $virus_ref);
                open($fh, "$tempdir.rep");
                return "432 virus scanner report failure" unless($fh);
                while(<$fh>) {
                        if(/^$tempdir\/(.*)/) { $virus_ref = $1; $err = "ANTIVIRUS 
ALERT! $virus_ref"; last; }
                if(-d '/tmp/virus_log/') {
                        $virus_ref =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9.:_ ]/-/g;
                        my($file, $virus) = split(/ +/, $virus_ref);
                        system("/bin/cp $filename /tmp/virus_log/$virus");
                return "432 virus scanner report failure" unless($err);
                return "500 $err";
        return "";

sub cleantmpdir {
  system('/bin/rm', '-rf', $tempdir);

sub newtmpdir {
  if(-d $tempdir) { cleantmpdir(); }
  mkdir($tempdir, 0700);

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