Ryan - then you have your answer - you just don't like it ;-)

Various version of Outlook require multiple connections to the server - no
one knows why - ask MS if you want an exercise in frustration.

The MS response to being unable to contact the server though is to throw up
the password box - same as the generic error page in the browser instead of
the MEANINGFUL errors actually returned by a webserver.

You are beating a dead horse - nothing to do with courier I'm afraid.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Burton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2003 9:18 AM
To: 'Mitch (WebCob)'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [courier-users] Re: Outlook / Imap Issue

Yes, I am checking the remember password box.  But it keeps prompting me

Can't run it through a proxy, any other ideas?

Right now I check 3 e-mail accounts using Outlook XP (upgraded, but made
no difference).  Seems like when I increase the daemons, and increase
the connections from one IP, it will work ok.  But I have to increase
them both by a fair bit.  Before I did that, I would check the e-mail
accounts not problem, but as soon as I expand one folder, it would lose
connection..etc.  If I don't increase the number of daemons a little, it
will work for a few minutes, and then start saying cannot connect and
prompt for a password, then maybe work again...etc.

What is IMAP-UW?  Is that something I shoud look at?

Is it possible that I need to upgrade server hardward as the
authdaemonrc file suggests if there are issues with the daemons?

Thanks again.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mitch (WebCob) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2003 4:11 AM
To: Ryan Burton; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [courier-users] Re: Outlook / Imap Issue

Are you not checking "remember password"?

Can you run your connection through a proxy so you can log which end
the original connection?


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Ryan
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 7:54 PM
To: Sam Varshavchik; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [courier-users] Re: Outlook / Imap Issue

I tired using mozilla mail and does the same thing.  I am watching
and there is one connection when I check my mail.  But if I go to
folder, it prompts me for a password and opens another connection.
the password, it doesn't work.  Any more ideas?

 -----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  On Behalf Of Sam
Sent:   Friday, October 17, 2003 9:52 PM
Subject:        [courier-users] Re: Outlook / Imap Issue

 << File: ATT00008.dat >> Ryan Burton writes:

> I have Outlook 2000 with sp3 setup to check an IMAP account.  It works
> but after a few minutes it starts prompting me for a password, even
> it is correct.  Sometimes it says cannot get header...etc.  Any ideas
> it's doing this?  Webmail seems to work ok.

When this starts happening use netstat to determine how many connections
Outlook has open.  The default configuration of Courier-IMAP accepts at
four connections from the same IP address.  Brain-dead IMAP clients
sometimes like to open dozens of IMAP connections, for no good reason.
Courier will begin to refuse new IMAP connections that exceed the limit.
Outlook may be reacting to a dropped connection by prompting for a
and trying again.

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