Mitch (WebCob) wrote:
It took me a while Roger, but I've come to agree (with the occasional client
inspired nagging doubt). A solid product that works and follows the rules vs.
one that accepts anything remotely appropriate thrown at it and muddles through.
The problem here, is not courier, but that people got used to sendmail and
others that were too permissive and allowed people to get sloppy in their
structure. How much work should one do to allow others to be sloppy?

"Accept liberally" should still be the watchword for anything not constituting an attack pathway.

What you propose would be like making an auto bumper 1/4" high and saying that if everyone followed the spec there would be no non-bumper collisions.

The purpose of an MTA is not to be a literal implementation of RFCs but to receive and deliver mail successfully.

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