Dan Johansson wrote:


Are there someone out there in courier-land who won't mind sharing some experiences with virus scanning with courier?

I've been playing around with amavisd-new and ClamAV some time now and have not been able to get it to run to my satisfaction.

What I want to do is to scan every mail (local & SMTP) that hits my server and only put in X-headers (X-Virus-Scanned: & X-Amavis-Alert:) with the status of the message - NO quarantine is needed.

So if someone has a cookbook for this type of setup I would be grateful if you didn't mind to share it.

I don't use amavis, just a simple script that can be used as an xfilter:

xfilter "/usr/local/sbin/scanmail"

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

mkdir "/tmp/mailscan", 0777;

umask 077;
my $tmpnam = "/tmp/mailscan/$$";

my $fh;
open $fh, ">$tmpnam" or do {
       `logger -t scanmail "cannot open $tmpnam"`;
       exit 1; # not much we can do, defer all mail

my @lines = <>;
print $fh @lines;
close $fh;

my @result = `/usr/bin/clamdscan --disable-summary --stdout $tmpnam`;
my $rc=($?>>8);
unlink $tmpnam or `logger -t scanmail "cannot unlink $tmpnam"`;

my @extra_headers=("X-Scanned: Yup\n");
#print "rc=$rc\n", @result;

map { s/^ *//; push @extra_headers, "X-Virus: $_\n"; } grep /FOUND/, @result;

my $headers=1; for my $line (@lines) { if ($headers and $line eq "\n") { for (@extra_headers) { print; } $headers=0; } print $line; } exit 0;

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