Bernard Robbins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, I think I'm finally squared away after I downloaded the archive and
> was able to read the example setup files. I've got a error in
> /var/log/courier-filter.log:
> Courier::Filter::Module::MIMEParts: IO::Handle: bad open mode: <:bytes
> at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Courier/ line 218

That's weird.  What is your Perl version (`perl -v`)?  What is your
operating system?

> This is the setup I've got now:
> pureperlfilter:
> [...]

There's no need to modify the "pureperlfilter" executable in any case.

> pureperlfilter.conf:
> use utf8;
> use Courier::Filter::Logger::File;
> use Courier::Filter::Module::MIMEParts;
> $options = (
>      # Logger Declaration:
>      logger      => Courier::Filter::Logger::File->new(
>          file_name   => '/var/log/courier-filter.log',
>          timestamp   => TRUE
>      ),
>      # Module Declarations:
>      modules     => [
>          Courier::Filter::Module::MIMEParts->new(
>          max_size    => $max_size,
>          signatures  => [
>              {
>                  file_name   => 'file_name.ext' ||
>                  qr/\.(exe|com|pif|lnk)$/, size        => 106496,
>                  response    => '500 Executable content rejected'
>              }
>          ]
>          )
>      ]
> };

That looks generally ok.  You need to replace "$max_size" with a concrete
number (or remove the "max_size" option), and the one signature in your
MIMEParts signatures list needs to be tuned a bit further, though, I
guess.  But let's take care of that after we solved the "bad open mode"

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