Joe Laffey writes:

On Fri, 24 Sep 2004, Sam Varshavchik wrote:

Joe Laffey writes:

> Normally the error message I get from a full mailbox is maildrop: maildir
> over quota.
> This user has a .courier file that reads:
> ./Maildir

If that's the case, then maildrop is not being invoked to delivery to this
user; Courier will deliver the message itself.

That error message must have some other origin.

Can you give me a hint at what origins we are talking about? I see this in the logs:

Sep 24 09:05:35 raw courierlocal:
id=002DCE13.415429A3.00000BF3,from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,addr=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: 
Mailbox full.

Well, where do you see here a reference to maildrop?

There is no reference to running maildrop here, this is Courier delivering to the mailbox itself. The first delivery instruction is "./Maildir", this maildir is full, so the delivery fails.

What is the best way to deliver mail to both a local maildir, and to
forward a copy to a remote address? (admin level setting is OK)

Your original .courier file does that. If you want to forward a copy even if delivery to Maildir fails because it's full, do the forward first, then deliver to Maildir. Very simple.

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