Greg Earle writes:

Hmmn, OK. I *did* read dot-courier(5), from head to toe, and am looking at it now, again. All I saw was

      Lines that begin with a single | character run  an  external
      program.  The  rest  of the line specifies the command to be
      executed by the shell. Long commands  can  be  continued  on
      another  line  by  terminating  the previous line with the \

I was assuming that I needed the single-quotes in there to
protect the double-quoted environment variables, but I guess not.

You do need it.

But NOT before the | character itself.

It clearly says that "lines that begin with a single | character", and not the ' character.

Furthermore: "the rest of the line specifies the command to be executed by the shell".

Therefore, if you need apostrophes to protect environment variables in the shell command, then that's where you stick them.

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