Scott Morizot wrote:

On 24 Jun 2005 at 8:30, Rodrigo Severo wrote:
As far as I can understand this would result in much less than reasonable load balancing for MX records.

I still couldn't get a comment from Sam on this matter but I really think that Courier's current strategy for MX choosing isn't very reasonable as it relies on the randomness of the list provided by bind. It's fast but rather uneffective.

I don't usually comment, but since this is continuing, I guess I will.
First I'll state the obvious. If you have something specific in mind you want the software to do to meet some particular personal itch, then feel free to modify your implementation so it does it.

I believe you haven't understood my "personal itch", as you called it: I want Courier to deal the best way it reasonable can in face of temporary delivery failures when there are more than one top priority MX available.

This can be seen as a "personal itch" but I really don't think it to would be a good description of my goals at all.

With that said, I can't begin to imagine why, as the administrator of a system *sending* email, it's my responsibility to provide load balancing services to the recipients.

I bet you haven't followed the discussion from the begining. As a quick resume, the load-balancing talk entered the discussion as a side-effect of the information Sam provided that Courier relies on the random order DNS answers are usually seem as having as the mechanism that makes Courier try different MXs with same priority at all.

Let me explain this again with other words: if DNS answers aren't in a reasonable random internal order Courier might even not try different top MXs after certain temporary delivery errors but instead it will get stuck trying to deliver the message to the same MX over and over again.

Anyway, I want my MTA to implement the appropriate email standards and handle message routing. I do *not* want it to also be a load balancer or any other completely different type of software or device. If I also want something in a different category, I'll set it up or acquire it.

Up to here we agree completely.

Sam's approach certainly strikes me as the correct one and the one I desire.

After a lot of time spent on this matter I tell you that I firmly believe there is room for important and probably simple improvements in Courier on the matter of MX choosing strategies.

The MTA should ask the resolver for MX records. In the absence of MX records, use any A records. Use the first record the resolver returns.Everything else is the concern of a different type of software.
If there are more than one top priority MX I don't think that most of the times choosing the same one is a good decision, and let me assure you, this is what the current implementation of Courier is doing. When everything is working fine, everything is working fine. When we get some kind of temporary delivery error with the first top priority MX messages get stucked in the queue, sometimes never trying some other top priority MX available at all and sometimes trying other top priority MX only after a disproportional amount of retries to the same first top priority MX.

Let's see this example:


In this case has 9 out of 10 chances of being contacted and have the remaining 1 out of 10 chances. If we are using bind as DNS cache. As far as I can tell other DNS caches would induce even worstly distributed chances. The reason DNS cache choice is mentioned here will be explained below, please keep reading.

The requirement in the standard is that all MX records of the lowest priority be tried before giving up (and preferably all MX records are tried, though the standard doesn't actually mandate that).

I agree with you. And let me assure you that Courier is doing exactly this in case it gets no connection whatsoever to some top priority MX: it tries to contact the next top priority MX. Fine.

The problem I am trying to solve is that in case of a temporary delivery failure, Courier keeps trying to contact the same top priority MX over and over again. I believe that in such a situation, it should try to contact other top priority MX also. It is this simple.

The DNS talk got in the conversation because Sam explained to me that he believes this is Courier behaviour. He also explained that to get this behaviour he relies on the randomness of the answers DNS servers and by extension, DNS caches provide. He also explained to me that he believes that bind provides such random answers. I found out that he is unfortunatelly wrong about bind answers. Bind uses a method to produce randomness for it's answers (random-cyclic as they call it) that simply don't provide the intented behaviour for Courier.

It is not a requirement that the MTA attempt to 'randomize' MX records if presented with multiple MX records of the same priority. And I would categorize that as undesirable extraneous behavior in my MTA.

I agree with you again. I am not claiming that Courier should randomize MX records per si. I am claiming that Courier should try other top priority MXs in case of temporary delivery failure while talking to the first top priority MX. MX records randomization is just a suggestion on how to get the intended behaviour. I have no special preference for this particular implementation. Please feel free to suggest another one.

I would like to thank you for your comments and observations,

Rodrigo Severo

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