On Friday 07 July 2006 09:13, Jay Lee wrote:
> Charles Lacroix wrote:
> > On Thursday 06 July 2006 16:57, you wrote:
> >> On Thu, July 6, 2006 4:45 pm, Charles Lacroix wrote:
> >>> On Thursday 06 July 2006 16:19, Jay Lee wrote:
> >>>> On Thu, July 6, 2006 4:07 pm, Charles Lacroix wrote:
> >>>>> Ok, i see, for the moment i didn't play with TLS/SSL as i wanted to
> >>>>> get this thing to work before i start playing with ssl and tls. As i
> >>>>> like to eliminate potential problems :)
> >>>>
> >>>> No problem, you can authenticate via plaintext, but you should have
> >>>> something secure in place in a live system.  But to verify that that
> >>>> was the issue try this:
> >>>>
> >>>> #telnet imap.server.dns.name 143
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> a01 login validuser validpass
> >>>
> >>> Escape character is '^]'.
> >>> ready. Copyright 1998-2005 Double Precision, Inc.  See COPYING for
> >>> distribution information. a0 login Test8 test8 a0 NO Login failed.
> >>> Connection closed by foreign host.
> >>
> >> What is maillog saying at this point?  Do you have DEBUG_LOGIN=2 set in
> >> /etc/authlib/authdaemonrc, this will give more verbose logging
> >> results...
> >>
> >> Jay
> >
> > Hi, thanks for taking this on with me, i will write some documentation on
> > this issue I'm dealing with and I'll give you a copy of it so we can add
> > cool solutions to your software :)
> >
> > Anyways that said, here is the extra logging you wanted. My DEBUG_LOGIN=2
> > from day 1 as i am trying to debug :)
> >
> >
> > Jul  7 08:28:27 libre-95 authdaemond: received auth request,
> > service=imap, authtype=login
> > Jul  7 08:28:27 libre-95 authdaemond: authldap: trying this module
> > Jul  7 08:28:27 libre-95 authdaemond: selected ldap protocol version 3
> > Jul  7 08:28:27 libre-95 authdaemond: binding to LDAP server as DN
> > '<null>', password '<null>'
> > Jul  7 08:28:27 libre-95 authdaemond: using search filter:
> > Jul  7 08:28:28 libre-95 authdaemond: one entry returned, DN:
> > cn=Test8,ou=test,o=csf
> > Jul  7 08:28:28 libre-95 authdaemond: raw ldap entry returned:
> > Jul  7 08:28:28 libre-95 authdaemond: | mail:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] Jul  7 08:28:28 libre-95 authdaemond: |
> > uid: Test8
> > Jul  7 08:28:28 libre-95 authdaemond: | cn: Test8
> > Jul  7 08:28:28 libre-95 authdaemond: authldaplib: sysusername=<null>,
> > sysuserid=10001, sysgroupid=10001, homedir=/var/courrier2/Test8,
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED], fullname=Test8, maildir=<null>,
> > quota=<null>, options=<null>
> > Jul  7 08:28:28 libre-95 authdaemond: authldaplib: clearpasswd=<null>,
> > passwd=<null>
> > Jul  7 08:28:28 libre-95 authdaemond: no password to compare against!
> > Jul  7 08:28:28 libre-95 authdaemond: authldap: REJECT - try next module
> > Jul  7 08:28:28 libre-95 authdaemond: FAIL, all modules rejected
> > Jul  7 08:28:28 libre-95 imapd: LOGIN FAILED,
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED], ip=[::ffff:]
> >
> >
> > I changed the imapd config to have AUTH=PLAIN this way i push clear
> > password to courier-imapd ( with telnet ) than that is being sent to
> > courier-authlib-ldap and from there I'm wondering how can i configure
> > this part to send clear password to ldap eDirectory instead of asking
> > ldap for the clear pass.
> >
> > Thanks alot,
> Looking at your authldaprc file and comparing it to my working config, try:
>   -Comment out LDAP_BINDDN and LDAP_BINDPW or else configure them for a
> user that has rights to search the tree for objects (i.e. using admin
> for this is probably not neccessary and is a security risk).  By
> default, NDS should allow anonymous LDAP binds to search the tree for
> basic attributes like uid and mail so leaving them blank will result in
> anonymous binds which should work unless your eDirectory admin has gone
> zealous with permissions...
>   -Comment out LDAP_CRYPTPW field
>   -Uncomment LDAP_AUTHBIND and set it to 1
> With these options set, Courier will first bind to LDAP as either
> anonymous or as the user set in LDAP_BINDDN.  It will then search the
> tree for the LDAP_MAIL attribute and if it finds it, will attempt to
> rebind as that DN with the given password, if the bind is successful,
> the user is proven authenticated.
> Jay

Here is what i get this time, i have a feeling we are very close :)

This is with LDAP_BINDDN off

Jul  7 09:11:11 libre-95 imapd: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]
Jul  7 09:11:18 libre-95 authdaemond: received auth request, service=imap, 
Jul  7 09:11:18 libre-95 authdaemond: authldap: trying this module
Jul  7 09:11:18 libre-95 authdaemond: selected ldap protocol version 3
Jul  7 09:11:18 libre-95 authdaemond: binding to LDAP server as DN '<null>', 
password '<null>'
Jul  7 09:11:18 libre-95 authdaemond: using search filter: (uid=test8)
Jul  7 09:11:18 libre-95 authdaemond: one entry returned, DN: 
Jul  7 09:11:18 libre-95 authdaemond: raw ldap entry returned:
Jul  7 09:11:18 libre-95 authdaemond: | uid: Test8
Jul  7 09:11:18 libre-95 authdaemond: | cn: Test8
Jul  7 09:11:18 libre-95 authdaemond: authldaplib: sysusername=<null>, 
sysuserid=10001, sysgroupid=10001, homedir=/var/courrier2/Test8, 
address=test8, fullname=Test8, maildir=<null>, quota=<null>, options=<null>
Jul  7 09:11:18 libre-95 authdaemond: authldaplib: clearpasswd=<null>, 
Jul  7 09:11:18 libre-95 authdaemond: rebinding with 
DN 'cn=Test8,ou=test,o=csf' to validate password
Jul  7 09:11:18 libre-95 authdaemond: authentication bind failed, some other 
problem: Confidentiality required
Jul  7 09:11:18 libre-95 authdaemond: authldap: TEMPFAIL - no more modules 
will be tried
Jul  7 09:11:18 libre-95 imapd: LOGIN FAILED, user=test8, 
Jul  7 09:11:18 libre-95 imapd: authentication error: Input/output error

This is with LDAP_BINDDN

Jul  7 09:20:16 libre-95 authdaemond: received auth request, service=pop3, 
Jul  7 09:20:16 libre-95 authdaemond: authldap: trying this module
Jul  7 09:20:16 libre-95 authdaemond: selected ldap protocol version 3
Jul  7 09:20:16 libre-95 authdaemond: binding to LDAP server as 
DN 'cn=clacroix, o=csf, ou=sti, ou=service', password 'xxxxx'
Jul  7 09:20:16 libre-95 authdaemond: ldap_simple_bind_s failed: 
Confidentiality required
Jul  7 09:20:16 libre-95 authdaemond: authldap: TEMPFAIL - no more modules 
will be tried
Jul  7 09:20:16 libre-95 pop3d: LOGIN FAILED, user=test8, 
Jul  7 09:20:16 libre-95 pop3d: authentication error: Input/output error

i havn't googled yet on this will be doing so while i wait for response :)


Charles Lacroix, Administrateur UNIX.
Service des télécommunications et des technologies
Cégep de Sainte-Foy
(418) 659-6600 # 4266

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