OK here is what I did:

tcpdump -s0 -w /tmp/tcpdump.log host

strace -fttp 25445 2>&1|tee /tmp/strace.log

those were started at the same time and were left for ~2 min (the imapd 
process was still in the loop). I straced the couriertcpd process which forks 
imapd processes so the log includes entries from other children as well, the 
pid for the actual imapd process is  26484. The tcpdump log includes only 
entries to that mailbox (I moved it on a separate IP so the log is more 

I now see rename packats but they last for less than a second while the imapd 
process continues to loop for 2 minutes+.

I`m still confused as the nfs calls are far less then what I see in the 

tcpdump -r /tmp/tcpdump.log -vv -A -n | grep -i rename|wc -l

Anyway, here are the logs, I really hope there are of any use for debugging 
the problem:


On Tuesday 27 November 2007 08:41:01 Gordon Messmer wrote:
> Pavel Georgiev wrote:
> > I did tcpdump -vv -s0 -A host nfs 2>&1 |tee log
> >
> > Anyway, here is a new dump, hope it helps:
> > http://0101.netclime.net/nfs.log (1MB)
> That log does not include any "rename" packets.  How about we start
> over.  Get a new strace and tcpdump capture.  Send me the command you're
> using for tcpdump as well.
> This is much easier if you're using -w to write the packet capture to a
> file, which it looks like you did with nfs.log.  After you capture
> traffic, you can read back the dump, print it to ascii, and look for
> renames:
> tcpdump -r nfs.log -vv -A | grep -i rename
> You should see lines like this:
> 22:28:15.286008 IP (tos 0x0, ttl  64, id 61839, offset 0, flags [DF],
> proto: TCP (6), length: 236) herald.private.dragonsdawn.net.1261880593 >
> ascension.private.dragonsdawn.net.nfs: 184 rename fh
> Unknown/010000010009000002000000014805002576E90F00000008746573742E747874
> "test.txt" -> fh
> Unknown/010000010009000002000000014805002576E90F0000000974657374332E7478
> "test3.txt"
> 22:28:15.295011 IP (tos 0x0, ttl  64, id 21309, offset 0, flags [DF],
> proto: TCP (6), length: 316) ascension.private.dragonsdawn.net.nfs >
> herald.private.dragonsdawn.net.1261880593: reply ok 264 rename from:
> PRE: sz 4096 mtime 1196144807.000000 ctime 1196144807.000000 POST: DIR
> 40755 ids 507/507 sz 4096 nlink 75 rdev 0/0 fsid 900 fileid 54801
> a/m/ctime 1196144879.000000 1196144895.000000 1196144895.000000 to: PRE:
> sz 4096 mtime 1196144807.000000 ctime 1196144807.000000 POST: DIR 40755
> ids 507/507 sz 4096 nlink 75 rdev 0/0 fsid 900 fileid 54801 a/m/ctime
> 1196144879.000000 1196144895.000000 1196144895.000000

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