On 1/18/2011 9:35 AM, Jani Ollikainen wrote:
> On 18.01.2011 16:11, Bowie Bailey wrote:
>> Have you tried importing the variable?
>> import SENDER
> No! So that was the key! :D
> So now it seems to work!
> import SENDER
> MAILTO=escape($SENDER)
> ...
> SENDER=escape(`cat vacation_sender.txt`)
> SUBJECT=escape(`cat vacation_subject.txt`)
> ...
> cc "| /usr/lib/courier/bin/mailbot -T forward -c UTF-8 -t vacation.txt 
> -A 'To: $MAILTO' -A 'From: $SENDER' -s '$SUBJECT' /usr/sbin/sendmail -f ''"
> That's basicly what I have. Please comment if that is
> done insecurely.

Maildrop only imports certain variables by default.  If you want the
others, you have to manually import them.  I believe there is a list of
available variables in the "dot-courier" man page.

I don't see any security problems in that line, but I'm not an expert on
that kind of thing, so take my comment for what it's worth...(not much)  :)


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