mi...@bitblock.net writes:

Here's my line from maildrop - please ignore the line wrap - it's on one line: cc "| $MAILBOT -N -D 1 -d $UserFolder/BB-autoreply -t $UserFolder/BB- autoreply.txt -T replydsn -A\"From: $UI_Name <$UI_Email>\" -s\"Subject: AUTO- REPLY: (\$SUBJECT)\" -A\"Errors-To: nobody@nowhere\" -A\"Precedence: junk\" - A\"X-Loop: $BADLOOP\" /usr/local/bin/sendmail -f ''"

I had tried -T reply too at some point though I don't think that would make a difference - trying replydsn was me being curious.

When I trigger this the response I get is "AUTO-REPLY: ($SUBJECT)" so the shell expansion doesn't seem to be happening.

Thanks again!

When you execute the following sequence of commands:

$ SUBJECT="foobar"
$ echo "--" -s"Subject: ($SUBJECT)"

The resulting output is:

-- -sSubject: (foobar)

As you can see, the shell carries out variable substitution inside double- quotes.

If you can't figure this out, a workaround is to use an intermediate script file.

Sometimes when you have to execute a long, convoluted command with many variable expansions, it's easier to put the command into a separate script file, and execute the script file:

cc "| /etc/autoreply.sh"

Then, put this long invocation of mailbot into the executable /etc/autoreply.sh file, where it gets involved with everything properly quoted. All of maildrop's variables should be available in the environment variables.

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