On Sat, 2015-03-21 at 12:03 -0500, Lindsay Haisley wrote:
> I'm using pythonfilter modules whitelist_relayclients, spamassassin and
> ratelimit for a server installation of courier.  If I whitelist IP
> address ranges using webadmin in Inbound ESMTP under "Manual netblock
> blacklist/whitelist" is this sufficient to exempt these addresses from
> ratelimiting, or do I need to tag these addresses with RELAYCLIENT as
> well to exempt them?
> I'd rather not do this, since there's no reason to allow them to relay
> off of our server, but I want them exempted from the ratelimit and
> spamassassin modules.

Never mind.  I need the whitelist_block module.

Sorry for not RTFMing!

Lindsay Haisley       | "UNIX is user-friendly, it just
FMP Computer Services |       chooses its friends."
512-259-1190          |          -- Andreas Bogk
http://www.fmp.com    |

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