Thank you for your answer

> .mailfilters is used by maildrop's embedded mode.  Those files should
> not be mixed with delivery mode instructions (the .mailfilter file),

Okay, I use delivery mode, so it will not work.

> As far as I can tell, "include" doesn't support globs, either.

I have tested it with HOME and SIZE and both are available in the
included files (do you mean global variables?).

My solution is now:


cc "|scripts/buildfilterlist"
include "mailfilters/list"

A directory "mailfilters" in the user's home which contain a lot of
preordered rulesets.


ls -1 mailfilters/* | grep "^.*/[0-9]\{2,\}_.*" | sed -e 's/^/include
"/' | sed -e 's/$/"/' > mailfilters/list
chmod 600 mailfilters/list

The .mailfilter calls a Bash script, which builds a current list of
ruleset files, which the .mailfilter includes again.

So I can add/remove rulesets without changing some others on the system.
The solution is not for mailservers with a lot of incoming mails, but
our internal project mailserver gets less than 100 mails per day
automatically generated from a service.

There is space to optimize it, the grep command can be removed if you
store the list on another location and maybe the two sed commands can be

Best regards

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