
I've just installed a new Courier instance in a new Debian GNU/Linux 9 amd64 server from distro packages.

This Courier should act as smart relay for another server and nothing else.

So far I've enabled courier-mta and courier-msa systemd services, changed the ports they listed on and created a real system account for mail relay (authpam). I've also let


in /etc/courier/courierd.

Then I tested the smarthost from Thunderbird, by configuring it as outgoing server. It does not work. When TB tries to send a message, it connects to the non-default MSA port, it starts talking to the server (STARTTLS) for a few seconds, then it fails for "unknown reason". Server-side, in the logs, I get:

Jul 19 04:48:17 mrelay courieresmtpd: started,ip=[::ffff:]
Jul 19 04:48:18 mrelay courieresmtpd: courieresmtpd: STARTTLS failed: Certificate is bad

I don't know what to try next.

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