Thanks Danny.  I was just on your site a few days ago - very nice!  I
stopped by The Hive a few weeks back, but it was not open.  Think it
was s Sunday, so people must have been taking the day off.  Didn't
know that was an option:)  Will have to stop by and check you folks
out next time I am down that way.

On Oct 25, 8:19 pm, "Daniel Newman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Welcome Coby!
> Glad to see people wanting to open other spaces up around CO! Looking
> forward to hearing about your progress.
> Danny
> ID345
> On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 4:27 PM, coby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > Just wanted to introduce myself and say thanks for the great
> > resource.  I just moved back to Fort Collins and am getting my feet
> > back on the ground.  I do mostly Open Source web dev and right now
> > focused on Drupal.  Long term plan is to branch out into tech for
> > sustainable, resilient communities.
> > Also thinking of opening a coworking space in Ft Collins to build some
> > synergy and all that good stuff.  Still a bunch of work to do as I get
> > to know folks around town.
> > Regards,
> > Coby
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