Hello. My name is Mike and I'm new to the group. I recently started
thinking about possibly opening a coworking site in northern Virginia.
I'm a software engineer and have never started or owned a business.
But I've been wanting to either start a green business or change
careers to something more green for a while now.  I live in Ashburn in
Loudoun County which is one of the fastest growing counties in the
country. Ashburn is a DC suburb but a little further out, about 45
minutes depending on the time of day. This area is full of single
family houses and townhouses.
My first question is do people think coworking would work well in a
suburb like this?  There are a lot of technical people living out here
as well as consultants and people who have started small business. My
concern is that with the sizes of the houses, most people have room
for an office in their home. I understand coworking is much more than
a place to work.  I'm just not sure that would be enough of a draw.
I'm interested in hearing from people in this area or people who have
started coworking sites in the suburbs. I'd also like to know how I
could go about finding out if there would be enough interest.


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