Agreed, the only way to get the economics "right" are to have the DIY,
low-budget mentality.  I am sure some of the co-working groups out
there have managed to attach co-working to other businesses (say, a
web design firm, a cafe, etc.) such that the economics don't have to
necessarily work out every month, and can maybe afford some luxuries.
Regus might have been able to make it happen had they listened to
feedback from the group here first :)

Looking forward to checking out the Fiber High and Cubes offerings one
of these days.

On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 9:40 AM, Liza Loop <> wrote:
> Hi David - Regus coworking may be dead but Fiber High is not. We've
> taken the opposite financial route. Most of our furniture and wall
> panels are hand-me-downs. We've done the remodeling ourselves. Our
> rent is relatively low so we can pass on low costs to our
> members/clients/tenants. Our biggest asset is our connection to the
> Palo Alto fiber ring, not the decor.
> Drop by at 989 Commercial St. in Palo Alto - we're ten minutes by
> train or freeway from Cupertino. (The walk from the train is 20 to 30
> minutes.) The web site is
> Cheers,
> Liza (, 650 964 5623)
> On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 11:43 PM, David J. Kordsmeier <> wrote:
>> Folks,
>> thought some would like to read about a new idea on springwise around
>> a marketplace for desk space:
>> Pulled from the latest newsletter, with tons of great ideas:
>> Also, noticed the Regus Cupertino (Co-working meets office suites),
>> which looked to be a something akin to an airport lounge, has
>> officially been closed.  I believe they closed at the beginning of the
>> year, after only being open about a year.  It is a shame.  I think
>> they had a nice clean facility, the best conference rooms I have seen,
>> and friendly staff.  The downside to their approach: wrong location
>> (was an old plumbing store, in SV suburbia), unfamiliar concept (Regus
>> is famous around the world for hosting office suites, but co-work is a
>> bit of a niche idea for many), not rooted with any community, and no
>> marketing.  They might have had a chance in downtown SJ or SF, but in
>> the new economy I guess they decided to pull out and sublease the
>> space (my estimates they put up 100K + to rennovate, another 50K on
>> furniture and computers, and probably ran another 5-8K in rent, plus 2
>> FT staff so were easily burning 10K+ per month.
>> -
>> David
>> >
> >

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