I've got a current real estate broker focus and a former executive
suite management background.  (I also advise people in North America
who want to open suites)

There are several of these types of online brokerage services for
small space/executive suite providers.  I'm happy to share the top
providers so that you can make an effective comparison: (Search Office Space)

there are at least another 5 or 6 more.

All of these, with the exception of esuite allow you to list for free
but would require a 10% commission when you close a deal. I'm not as
familiar with  Suite Match - but they look like they are in start-up
mode.  The others listed above have been established for 3 or more
years and have a broader reach of cities offered for search.

Esuite allows you to list for an annual fee of $295 (I think that's
still valid) and you pay no commission on closed deals.  The leads go
directly to you with no intervening communication.

One common complaint among users is that these services push a lot of
inappropriate junk.  Leads are not often screened and about 40% of the
leads show requirements that aren't even close to what you offer based
on location, size and budget.  Response time by the provider to the
prospect is critical - usually just minutes.  If you take more than 30
minutes to respond, the prospect has already heard from 5 other
operators and perhaps multiple times (many providers subscribe to all
web brokerage services).  Prospects don't realize that there are a
limited number of such spaces that match their needs and all web
brokers are providing nearly identical listings.

The web brokers spend hundreds of thousands of dollars annually on pay-
per-click ads and to maximize SEO.  The expectation is that the
prospect finds their site before they find you directly via your own

I offer all of this information simply as a matter of being aware of
what you're buying when you sign up for said services.

I know the owners of the web brokerage firms.  They are savvy folks
who are looking to serve a need.  The relationships with the space
owners and the web brokers can be love/hate.  Each side is trying to
create a better user experience - I think it will take a couple more
years to work it out.

Hope this is helpful and not creating more confusion...
Wendy S.
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