Hurray for Tony!

Absolutely spot on advice!

congratulations on your perseverance AND growth.  It sounds as though
it has paid off.

I offer a couple of specific ideas for enhancing that personal touch
in a way that creates momentum and a life of it's own:
-publicize a "learn at lunch" in which a member or two shares their
expertise with the group.  For a nominal cost you could have
sandwiches brought in.  You can actually recruit the first member/
speaker or two to be the on-going group facilitator so that after the
initial couple of meetings, as Tony said so aptly - they take it over
themselves.  They decide if they brown bag it or contribute to the
"lunch kitty" for these events.

The same concept could hold for a Business Book club (discussion of
book that members choose themselves).  I'm sure others in this
discussion have more super-creative approaches too.

I'm in Chicago contemplating starting a location as well, so I'm glad
to hear of your success despite this economy.
Wendy in the Windy City

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