So I was thinking about promoting coworking through a foursquare
badge. is the game that gives you and your friends
points and tips for checking into places around town.

I thought coworkers and coworking makes for a good badge.  But I
really don't know what to call it or the rules around it.

So I thought I'd put it out for crowdsourcing, both for ideas and to
generate support.

1. What's a good name for a coworking badge? They're usually funny.
2. What should be the rules? one checkin at a place? checkins at
multiple places?

If you know the answer and don't like this messy collaboration thing,
you can go straight to the man:

My first thoughts:
1. Coworkout! (3 checkins at places tagging "coworking")
2. Stick figure dashing with laptop


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