
I tried cobot some months ago. It's a good tool but we need it in portuguese.
I can help you with the translation. Are you interested in? 


Cadu de Castro Alves
Mobile: +55 21 8464-3958(OI)
SkypeID: cadudecastroalves

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On 21/10/2010, at 15:54, Alexander Lang wrote:

> hi everyone,
> for those of you you've never heard of it: cobot is a web based software i 
> developed that helps you run a coworking space. it does membership 
> management, collects payments, allows people to book resources and other 
> things as well (in short: it does a lot of the time consuming management work 
> for you).
> 9 months into development we're now at a stage where we need to decide where 
> to go next. for that we really need some more input from the coworking 
> spaces. we want to know what your pain points are, how your spaces work etc.
> the way it works is that i have set up a small landing page 
> ( where you can enter your email. i will then 
> contact you to schedule an interview over skype or phone.
> i would really appreciate if some of you would take the time to talk to us. 
> it will only take 15 minutes. the more input i get the better i can make 
> cobot to support your work as coworking space managers.
> cheers,
> alex
> ---
> software development:
> coworking space:
> coworking space management:
> -- 
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