Hi all,

My name is Jessica and I am currently in the process of starting a
coworking space in Longmont, CO. I'm excited, and nervous, and
slightly overwhelmed in all that I'm doing, but every day I feel like
I learn something new or gain new footing in the right direction.
Today, I found this site. I'm excited to read through the posts and
see what this group is like!

A little about my upcoming space:
It will be small, 8 shared work spaces, no dedicated desks or rooms. 1
meeting room that accommodate 6 and a small kitchenette. It is a space
for women. I hope to create a community rather than just a space where
people come to work. I'd like to host networking events as well as
learning events to help support the members.

Current questions in my head are around the name I chose, The Poppy
Den, and the options I am offering. As I read about more and more
sites, I have found that most places offer a full access, or a number
of times per week access. My plan was to offer full access, a M/W/F
package, or a T/Th package. That way I would be sure not to overbook
the space for a single day.

As for the name, my friends/family all say it remind them of an opium
den. That's not exactly the image I would like to put out. So, it's
been back to the drawing board. I would like a name that sounds like
an inviting place to go, work, maybe collaborate, and enjoy the
working hours. I'm having a hard time figuring out a name that speaks
to my target market, and that connects with me.

I'm happy to find this place, and I look forward to talking to you!

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