
I've been putting a lot of time and thought into how we share data, the data
we share, and what could be done with all this data.  I've chimed in here
and there but I wanted to throw out some ideas that keep coming up and where
I'm currently at.  First, it's important to recognize that our community has
exploded in recent years and has grown quite large and broad both in terms
of geography and diversity.  One extraordinary aspect of this community is
the desire to share openly everything from startup tips, marketing advice,
and best practices to legal documents, annual reports, and business plans.
The current systems used to facilitate this sharing are our google group and
the coworking wiki.  Their primary advantages are their neutrality and
openness and their ability to grow organically as the community grows and
different players come and go.  I love that these simple systems can be so
effective and instrumental in our growth and I want to recognize that even
with their faults they have facilitated this community effectively.  The
topic of where they are lacking has come up and has been discussed
frequently.  Usually it follows the pattern that some other tool would do a
better job and it's countered by the fact that every tool has things that it
does well, and things it does not.  Also, switching systems is very
disruptive and time consuming and with an all volunteer effort such as this
it's unclear who is going to take on the work.

What we've witnessed time and again is that setting up great collaboration
tools isn't the hard part.  The problem is organizing volunteers,
maintaining momentum and growing the solutions over time.  Case in point is
the Google Map.  Someone set this up long ago, yet it's unmaintained and out
of date, rendering it useless.   The fact that it was easy to setup is
irrelevant and misleading.  It's important to take a holistic/systems view
and consider all these little intricate elements when trying to find

To that end, I've been having a lot of individual conversations, with a wide
array of folks, exploring different ways to take on these challenges.  I
believe this can be done without the disruption of switching tools or
enforcing standards on the group.  *Our diversity and our independence is
what makes us so beautiful and that should be embraced, not mitigated to
make solutions easier to implement*.  One way to do this that continually
comes up is the formation of an organization that can take the time to focus
on these specific issues.  This organization would have the simple, and
specific goal of organizing and maintaining the data coworking spaces love
to share and helping coordinate free/libre/open source projects that benefit
the coworking community.  I believe a dedicated, neutral entity, can strike
the right balances and maintain the right focus to make something like this
work.  The image of a library comes to mind and it makes me wonder if we
need a coworking library.

And more and more terrific projects are emerging from within the community
every day that would benefit from more support, coordination, and
information.  Great examples include Stephanie's indexing of the Google
Group conversations, Jonathan's development of the Coworking Registry, the
Coworking Blog, Hallen Projekt, PariSOMA iPhone app, Coworking Europe and
the SxSW unconference.  With the diversity of talent and global reach of the
coworking movement, more collaboration will enable us to accomplish even
more amazing things.

I want to open the discussion to the whole group and see whether people
think an organization like this is necessary and if this is going in the
right direction?  Would you support this endeavor and/or participate?  What
other tasks/challenges do you think should be taken on?  Everything is still
very early in the development and it's really more about pinning down a core
philosophy which I've tried to communicate here as best I could.

Thoughts, comments, concerns?


Office Nomads - Individuality without Isolation
http://www.officenomads.com -  (206) 323-6500

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