To Tony's point of structuring it in a way for the free person to be
part of the community and not just freeloaders. One example I always
liked was having a free table up front where anyone can work there for
free but once all of the seats were taken then that was that.  It
limited the number of free people while allowing people to constantly
come in to try out the space and be part of the community. I bet some
people use the free table for a few weeks and enjoy the space and
eventually move into a paid membership once they can or when they show
up and no more room is available a few too many times.

I personally did a Beta Opening for 2 weeks before I opened to get
people excited about the space and clearly stated that a membership
was required at the top of the month as our official opening. I offer
a free day pass for any new people on their first visit and do a free
day for anyone in Denver once a month (this is mostly for one day/week
members to help them cross paths if they always come on different days
of the week). This combination of free seems to work well for us but I
admit that's it not very creative and there could be more fun ways to
do it.

Craig Baute
Creative Density

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