Thanks, Steve. Exciting numbers. 

Your point about false positives reminds me about an extra source of false 
positives specifically with respect to the word "coworking." I would think 
people who have never heard the term as we're all using it would often just 
guess it means "working with co-workers" (i.e., with other people who are 
working on the same project) and answer with that interpretation. I've seen 
that more than a few times on user comments on internet-based articles 
about coworking. Do you have any indication about whether that's happening 
in the surveys?


On Tuesday, June 26, 2012 7:37:03 PM UTC+2, Steve King wrote:
> Just got the raw data back from a national survey of independent workers 
> (freelancers, consultants, temps, etc.).  2% (actually 1.7%) of the 
> respondents reported they worked in coworking facilities on a regular 
> basis.  
> We've been asking about coworking facility use in our national surveys for 
> the last 2 years or so.  This is the first time we got enough positive 
> responses to consider the number to be statistically greater than 0 (it's 
> just barely this time:)).  
> It's likely many of these were false positives - people who said they 
> worked in coworking facilities but really don't.  False survey positives 
> are common when a new trend is getting a lot of attention in the press.  
> But from our perspective this is still exciting news (and yes, we're 
> easily excited).  It's another strong signal that coworking is at a growth 
> inflection point.

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