High fives Tom, awesome story, glad to hear things are pressing along. Keep on 
sharing as you continue to learn and explore making your town kick ass!


coworking in philadelphia
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On Nov 7, 2012, at 10:32 AM, Tom Lewis <t...@coworkingbath.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi all, I've just received my daily digest from the group, and thought it 
> would be a great time to jump in and say hello.  We're Coworking Bath, and 
> we're working hard on opening a coworking space here in beautiful Bath in the 
> UK. If you've ever visited the UK from aboard then you may well have visited 
> for the day, if not then I highly recommend it, if you come to the UK for 
> work or a holiday then it's a great way to get out of London for a day or 
> longer and visit a world heritage site (and you can visit Stonehenge on the 
> same day!)
> Anyway, when I arrived in this city 2 years ago I didn't know a single 
> person, and I thought that the best way to get to know interesting people was 
> by starting a networking group.  After ignoring all the usual naysayers 
> telling me that it wouldn't work/ there were already networks here/I didn't 
> know what I was doing, I got together with someone and we threw our first 
> evening event- we put 100 tickets on meetup and they sold out within minutes. 
>  Fast forward  2 years and we've just hit 500 members (see 
> http://www.bathspark.co.uk/), and we've now grown to include breakfast 
> meetings, and an annual awards ceremony which was attended by no less than 
> Peter Gabriel! 
> So, Bath has another great community to go with the existing ones devoted to 
> creatives, and other tech groups too, and as I've always wanted to create a 
> place where these groups come together, it was only logical to seek out a 
> place where we could create a coworking hub.  I thought it would be easy, but 
> given the unique nature of this city (it's very old and very small, and the 
> buildings are owned by a very small elite), it has been tough.  But I've 
> refused to give up and refused to take no for an answer, and I've now won a 
> £500,000 grant to redevelop part of the town hall into an amazing series of 
> spaces for these communities.  It's a historic building right in the centre 
> of the city, and in total is around 4000 sq feet (350 sqm).  I've taken on 
> help, and now have a team of 3, and together we are currently designing the 
> space, engaging the communities, and mobilising for the launch of what is 
> already a huge story for the city- right now we're aiming for March 1st 2013, 
> and the building has already been vacated ahead of the developers moving in.
> I've personally met with almost 100 potential members, one on one (and I've 
> bought each one a coffee), I've asked what they want to see, and how they see 
> the space working for them.  I've been to see dozens of hubs in the UK, and 
> spoken to hub owners all over the world.  We've poured over our figures, 
> reached out for help now and again from people like Alex and Tony (thanks for 
> your patience guys), and I think we've got a great business model, we're 
> engaged with all the communities here in Bath, they all eagerly await our 
> next email update, we're in the local paper regularly, all eyes are on what 
> we can do (no pressure).  We're using Pinterest to great effect as mood 
> boards for our various rooms (see http://pinterest.com/coworkingbath/) and 
> we're engaging with people who don't have time to meet or chat on the phone 
> via our forum at https://getsatisfaction.com/coworkingbath.  We also have 
> around 100 people already pre registered for the space, and over 200 others 
> on the mailing list who are interested.
> So that's us, we're Coworking Bath, we're building something amazing that 
> will change this city forever, we're creating a physical beacon for all the 
> incredibly diverse tech and creative groups down here, and we'd love to 
> welcome you as our guest if you ever visit Bath for the day.  I'm happy to 
> share any of my experiences, answer any questions, or help the cause any way 
> I can.
> Take care
> Tom
> -- 
> Visit this forum on the web at http://discuss.coworking.com

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