
On Saturday, July 13, 2013, Tom Lewis wrote:

> After a total of 3 years negotiation, funding applications, and then a lot
> of work converting a very old, very central building here in the beautiful
> historic city of Bath (including firing not one but two interior designers
> as they couldn't keep up with us), we're finally open.
> One of our first members uploaded some images to a dropbox link which you
> can see here  <>-
> it's all so shiny and new, but manic times with us setting up and learning
> everything from the photocopier to the access control, the wifi and the
> coffee machines!
> A little scared now, after all this work, and my devotion to making
> coworking happen in Bath, and a list of over 200 people who have said they
> were interested (very patient people, over the past two years), it's a
> little quiet so far, but we're going all guns into promoting the space to
> the list as finally open, and to the wider community as something they
> should look into.  We've had around 40 people look around, 11 of those have
> signed up to a plan, and we're aiming for 50 paying members by the end of
> the month.  I guess it's a momentum thing, people looking around now find
> it beautiful but empty, so we just need to seed it, we're thinking a Jelly
> day, inviting some local groups to hire some of our spaces for free if they
> bring lots of potential members etc etc.  Events are very important to our
> business plan, and they are the one area which is already making us money,
> but we desperately don't want to turn into an events space only or be seen
> as a (great) meeting/conference space before we've reached the tipping
> point with memberships.
> Anyway, we're Coworking Bath, our space is called The Guild- and our site
> is at (it's a Nexudus Spaces coworking software
> site, as w'ere using them for running the space- nice guys, software only
> just launched in English (they are Spanish).  Happy to give feedback on
> their system good and bad for anyone looking around at software/
> Cheers everyone
> Tom
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