Becky, to add on to what Jerome said: A cowork space should never quote in 
square footage. Your numbers will just sound too high in the market if you 
do. You're providing so much more than just commercial real estate. You 
have high fixed costs (what you have to pay even if no one walks in the 
door) and low variable costs (coffee, printer paper). To be a little more 
precise, take your total fixed costs (include all your utilities, staff, 
rent, tax, etc.) Figure the percentage that is common area (that you can't 
make money off -- lobby, reception desk, break room, restrooms). This is 
ONLY for your calculation, never for quoting. Set a price for each of your 
spaces that totals at least double your fixed costs, since you'll have 
vacancies. You can, of course, massage the numbers to compare to market and 
any extras you can bring in (events, virtual office plans, services, etc.)

On Thursday, April 3, 2014 11:36:15 AM UTC-7, Blue Ocean Innovation Center, 
Bozeman Montana wrote:
> Jerome, 
> Thank you!!!  I did them a favor as growing nonprofit originally and they 
> only had two people.  They chose VIP membership to rent a desk.  Then last 
> year, they moved into one office I had available.  They have had a good 
> deal and I agree, we are charging too little.  In moving forward, I wanted 
> to make sure my offer to them is based on market rates, accurate square 
> feet, and a formula that is recognized in the industry.  I am reconfiguring 
> and hope to have this wrapped up by Monday.  Really appreciate your sharing 
> what you use.  Becky :-)

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