>  it might not be managed with a front desk/community manager or similar.

All the more reason to want something where your non-agency coworking
members to be looking out for things :)

Alex, I take it that your GroupBuzz forum came in really handy in this
> case, huh?

That's....a really good question - I don't actually think it did, at least
not *directly*. list.

Like I said in my other thread about GroupBuzz, it's less of an "add-on
backchannel" and a more of a community gather place unto itself. Those
lines are definitely blurry, as stuff about the space is among the topics
that gets discussed online.

But this time, it was the coworking space that was leaking, not GroupBuzz ;)

If history repeats itself, my bet is that if George couldn't have gotten
ahold of anyone, he would've posted something though.

Now, if GroupBuzz *did* play a role, it might've been explicit, like
helping George look up contact info for someone who he thought could help,
or a bit more implicit, like the fact that George's participation in
GroupBuzz reinforces that sense of "looking after things" because it does
come up in conversations quite a bit.

Either way, I'm definitely guessing. I will have to check with the crew who
was involved tomorrow to find out for sure.

The only active role that I KNOW GroupBuzz played this time was
communicating what happened and publicly acknowledging the folks who



coworking in philadelphia

On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 12:39 AM, Jerome Chang <jer...@blankspaces.com>

> Awesome. You've got a great policy in place.
> My advice was a knee-jerk comment based on being a fellow architect. My
> bad.
> I guess my only revision to both Alex's and my advice is that since
> Rachel's coworking office is being added on to an existing/original office
> team, it might not be managed with a front desk/community manager or
> similar.
> Alex, I take it that your GroupBuzz forum came in really handy in this
> case, huh?
> *Mid-Wilshire*
> 5405 Wilshire Blvd (2 blocks west of La Brea) | Los Angeles CA 90036
> ph: (323) 330-9505
>  *Downtown*
> 529 S. Broadway, Suite 4000 (@Pershing Square) | Los Angeles CA 90013
> ph: (213) 550-2235
> <http://www.yelp.com/biz/blankspaces-los-angeles>
> <https://twitter.com/BLANKSPACES>
> <https://www.facebook.com/pages/BLANKSPACES/132257631339>
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> <http://www.linkedin.com/company/blankspaces?trk=top_nav_home>
> <http://vimeo.com/blankspaces>
>  <http://vimeo.com/blankspaces>
> On Jul 14, 2014, at 9:21 PM, Alex Hillman <dangerouslyawes...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> *And in case you don't believe me about the sense of responsibility that
> you can engender using our key/access approach:*
>  Tonight we had a MAJOR storm come through Philly. So bad that the
> building next to ours caused water to leak into our space. In this case,
> our "intruder" was mother nature. No security cameras or lockdowns would've
> helped (in fact, anything locked down would've been damaged).
> However, one of our members was there, called a couple of other members he
> knew could get ahold of staff. He carefully moved a couple of members'
> belongings out of harms way of the water. There's a bit of a mess, but
> nobody's stuff got hurt.
> *Here's the kicker: nearly all happened while I was on an airplane between
> LA and SFO.* By the time I landed, just about everything we could've done
> for the night was resolved, including sending a note to the community about
> what had happened (including a heads up to the people whose stuff had to be
> moved).
> The best part, though, is that when thanking the members for helping
> mitigate the damage, the very first thing George - who had spotted the
> water first and started calling people - said was,
> *"Hey man, I'm a keyholder". *
> -Alex
> --
> /ah
> indyhall.org
> coworking in philadelphia
> On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 11:18 PM, Alex Hillman <
> dangerouslyawes...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Rachel,
>> For a bit of context: we have 50+ full time members'
>> computers/belongings, our own electronics/equipment, and a *substantial*
>> art collection on loan at any given time...so I've felt *many* aspects
>> of your pain.
>> *Bolting things down is definitely an option, but man, does it send a
>> message of "I don't trust you"*. This is a pretty toxic message for
>> community members to experience, and leads to all kinds of other issues
>> (far beyond security) that are totally avoidable simply by being
>> intentional about trust.
>> We're not naive about this, either. We've had a theft - and it came from
>> within, from a new full time member. He was quickly caught red handed and
>> removed. Equipment is replaceable. But a lot of trust that had been
>> established among members was rocked to the core.
>> We had a conversation with our members about the theft. The belongings
>> that went missing sucked, but the BIG issue that we had to deal with was a
>> major breach of trust. When everyone looks at every new member
>> suspiciously, again, that's not a place that people want to be.
>> Cameras just tell you "whodunit" after the fact. What if you could reduce
>> the odds of a situation *before* a camera ever has anything worth
>> capturing?
>> *We came up with another method:* we have a 30 day waiting period on
>> getting 24/7 access, and once that 30 day period is over, you need to get
>> signatures from 3 other key holding members on a sheet that says "I've
>> gotten to know and trust this person enough that I'm okay with them having
>> keys around my and other peoples' stuff."
>> This sends a very different message to both new and existing members:
>> first, new members get the feeling of "woah, it's not just the staff or
>> owners of this place that look out for things...it's everyone, including my
>> peers". It also serves as a reminder to existing keyholders, that they're
>> responsible for more than just themselves.
>> Kinda like a neighborhood watch, which even the *police* will tell you
>> they benefit from. It's just not possible or practical to have presence
>> everywhere, and even when you can, it's rarely a way to manage risk that
>> people WANT to have.
>> Think about how you feel going into a gas station where the attendant is
>> behind bullet proof glass, vs. going to your local corner store to pick
>> something up. You *feel* different in places that are on lockdown.
>> Frankly, you want to GTFO. I have direct quotes from other coworking
>> spaces, too: "We never totally took security as serious as how our
>> members might *feel* within the space."
>> We put this process in place 6 years ago, and have nothing but positive
>> feedback about it from all sides (and have remained incident free). IN
>> fact, things are generally FAR better taken care of because of it.
>> And unlike the last time this was brought up on the list
>> <https://groups.google.com/d/msg/coworking/ldC469c-JR0/bEbOOcsj3mgJ> (3+
>> years ago!), Indy Hall now includes a ground floor entrance AND is a
>> two-floor layout, making the "neighborhood watch" model even more valuable
>> for keeping eyes on the "streets" on both floors simultaneously.
>> -Alex
>> --
>> /ah
>> indyhall.org
>> coworking in philadelphia
>> On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 10:37 PM, Jerome Chang <jer...@blankspaces.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Lock down each desktop w/ one of those cable and lock things. We did
>>> this back at the GSD studios.
>>> Then password protect each computer even when idle for 10 min.
>>> Add cameras to monitor off-hours.
>>> Yes, have some legal wording to waive liability.
>>> *Mid-Wilshire*
>>> 5405 Wilshire Blvd (2 blocks west of La Brea) | Los Angeles CA 90036
>>> ph: (323) 330-9505
>>>  *Downtown*
>>> 529 S. Broadway, Suite 4000 (@Pershing Square) | Los Angeles CA 90013
>>> ph: (213) 550-2235
>>> <yelp-s.png> <http://www.yelp.com/biz/blankspaces-los-angeles>
>>> <twitter-bird3-square.png> <https://twitter.com/BLANKSPACES>
>>> <facebook-logo-square.png>
>>> <https://www.facebook.com/pages/BLANKSPACES/132257631339>
>>> <https://www.facebook.com/pages/BLANKSPACES/132257631339>
>>> <linkedin-logo-square2.png>
>>> <http://www.linkedin.com/company/blankspaces?trk=top_nav_home>
>>> <vimeo-s.png> <http://vimeo.com/blankspaces>
>>>  <http://vimeo.com/blankspaces>
>>> On Jul 12, 2014, at 5:07 PM, Rachel Cline <rclineconsult...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> Good afternoon,
>>> I am new to the group and looking for some advise on security.  My
>>> husband and I have shared an office for the last three years, he has an
>>> architecture firm and I do art consulting/brokerage.  We are doubling our
>>> office size and will have 8 extra large work stations plus conference and
>>> gallery space as well as casual breakout ares and a work room, so we have
>>> decided to offer a small number of co-working memberships.
>>> The one thing we are struggling with most is security, both for our
>>> members and our business belongings, we both have some pricey computers and
>>> I often have some valuable artwork in the space.  We would like to offer
>>> access to the space during hours outside of normal business hours to higher
>>> level members but haven't figured out a way to secure our computers etc
>>> since the area our employees work in is shared with the area we plan to use
>>> for co-working.
>>> Has anyone out there dealt with similar conditions and what was your
>>> solution?  If no solution, does it seem to restrictive to only offer access
>>> 8-6?
>>> Also, should we have an attorney look at our contract to make sure we
>>> are not liable for actions of others in the space or to and from the street
>>> parking they will be using.
>>> Thanks for your time and advise.
>>> --
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