Look around in order not to get stung for price. The answer of course 
depends on your size but here I go with my two pence/cents worth;

- Fibre connection would be ideal
- Have backup lines or a system so if one goes down, the other has you 
- Have many access points dotted around
- Don't think in terms of absolute speed, think about bandwidth and if you 
have 20, 50, 100 people at once will they all have a workable speed. Maybe 
each user can have an up/down allowance.
- Make it easy to use and long in and easy to 'manage'. Have an idea who is 
on your network, what they are doing and how much they are using.
- Have clear defined rules and T&Cs - MAKE THEM VISIBLE.
- Have fun with the wifi network names *LoveYourWork *WeLoveGuestsToo 

Just some ideas.

Founder at Shhared 

On Wednesday, 2 September 2015 23:19:41 UTC+2, Lindsey Rima wrote:
> Hey guys!
> The "what is the best way to provide business class wifi in a coworking 
> spaceā€ question comes up every couple of months. We tackled it and made 
> specific good/ better/ best hardware recommendations on the Coworkaholic 
> <http://www.coworkaholic.com> blog today.  
> http://cowork.mobi/index.php/2015/09/02/wifi-good-better-best/
> If you have other recommendations or coworking IT questions that you'd 
> like us to answer, please chime in.
> Cheers!
> Lindsey

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