
I'm new to this forum. My name's Suzanne Vale and I've just opened a 
coworking space called Jam Jar Cowork <http://jamjarcowork.net.au> in 
Collingwood, which is an inner suburb of Melbourne, Australia. 

Below is some info about me, why I've started Jam Jar, the space and the 
community we're building.

I'm really glad to have found this forum and can see it's really supportive 
with lots of helpful, insightful advice and discussion. I look forward to 
joining in! I'll also be at GCUC in Melbourne next month so hope to meet 
some of you there. Drop me a line if you're coming along.

Cheers Suzanne

*Why I started Jam Jar*

Some of you may have met me at CU Asia 2016, in Ubud, so you'll know that 
I've been working in offices for my whole (varied) career (admin, 
customer/financial services, public service, law) and that I studied 
architecture at one point and I love people and their creativity. 

So I've started a coworking space because the opportunity to take on the 
building that we're in coincided with me finding out about coworking and 
thinking that it was the coolest thing I'd heard about in ages. Coworking 
also addresses a long term beef I've had that workplaces and spaces are 
missed opportunities. They should be better and controlled by the people 
who work in them. Coworking spaces are finally doing this, and in lots of 
different ways that are still emerging and changing. Good times.

I'm about offering the small businesses of this neighbourhood a good 
quality space that they can shape and refine over time, where they can come 
to work together, meet new people, hang out, run events, have meetings and 
have the facilities they need to do these things pretty seamlessly.

*The space*

Jam Jar is just over 200m2 and primarily aimed at post start up businesses 
in the neighbourhood. We also have some decent meeting rooms (a boardroom 
and 3 smaller rooms) and have found that there's been interest in them from 
CBD businesses wanting to get offsite for workshops etc.

We're in a really great location in a gentrified, former industrial pocket 
right near Smith Street, which is well known in Melbourne for its 
restaurants, cafes, shops, street art and culture, and which has a tram 
line direct to the city. 

We refurbished the building we are in, which was a tired, 3 storey office 
building that was only 15 years old. Our emphasis was on getting natural 
light in and creating lots of different types of useful spaces while 
dedicating most of the floor area to open plan desks. Every decision of our 
fit out was made with the environment in mind despite our tight budget. 
This meant we preferenced low VOC products, natural materials and products 
from companies that are ahead socially and environmentally. It also meant 
we reused as much as we could from the previous fit out and bought quality 
second hand where we could. We balanced this to create a feel that the 
space is new and 'clean' aesthetically. (Examples of reuse and secondhand 
included reusing the old aluminium and glass partitions to make new meeting 
rooms, reusing the kitchen sinks from the old tea-points in our new break 
out space and tea-point and reusing perfectly good security hardware, 
buying secondhand Knoll / Formway task chairs that are barely used ex-Tax 
Office and secondhand desks from Grimshaw Architects' when they refurbished 
their office). 

We've tried to create a casual but professional space that's airy and 
comfortable. We're also emphasising health in the workplace. For example we 
try to give members control of the space/their environs, we've got plants, 
and office dog, ergonomic chairs, the beginnings of an activity based set 

*The community*

I'm a little sheepish that we opened and are now building our community. 
All the experience and knowledge at CU Asia said build your community first 
but logistically this didn't work out for me. We have 2 open plan spaces so 
we're only using the smaller of these at the moment so people aren't spread 
through the building. As we grow, we'll open the other area.

So far we're doing ok with a handful of local people joining us as part 
time members over the last few weeks - a lawyer starting a new practice, a 
business adviser, a graphic designer just moved down from Sydney, a wine 
maker/wine events business, a couple of creative writers and a couple of 
other former lawyers who are moving into the start up space. It's slow - we 
have people here each day but not a lot of cross-fertilisation because we 
haven't had a critical mass on any one day. 

So we need to work harder to get the word out that we're here and to get 
communication happening between our members to help them form a community. 
We have lots of ideas that we are carrying out but* would love more ideas 
and to know what's worked for other brand new spaces, especially in 
comparable cities*. I'm finding podcasts super helpful and inspiring here 
too, especially The Coworking Weekly Show and Everything Coworking. *Interested 
in others' favourite podcasts and forums*.

Our attention to social and environmental responsibility is continuing - 
we're big on recycling within the space and we've opened our space to 
community groups for use out of hours, which accords with the ethos of our 
neighbourhood and something our members love. We want to explore more 
opportunities to partner with the neighbourhood in this way.

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