Dear All,

We have assessed both river and towpath conditions mid morning today, and
after careful discussion the CUs have decided that the combination of very
low temperature, high wind and windchill, and frozen towpath surface, mean
that racing cannot safely take place today, Thursday.

Today's racing is therefore cancelled completely due to safety reasons, and
in particular the risks of consequences that could rapidly become extremely
serious in the event of significant delays or accidents during racing.

We are continuing efforts to see if gritting the towpath is allowable or
practicable, but it is already clear from the County Council's initial
response that we would need formal permission to do so ourselves. We would
caution that with a further very cold night forecast and subzero
temperatures and snow on Friday in the daytime, no significant improvement
in conditions currently looks likely, but we will again assess later today
and tomorrow morning
Dr David Munday,
Chairman, Cambridge University Combined Boat Clubs
Dr David Munday,
Chairman, Cambridge University Combined Boat Clubs
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