Dear Captains and Coxes,

As sunrise creeps later and later in the morning, we've had a number of
near misses between college and town crews over the last week or so. This
is just a gentle reminder that even if you are on your first run down to
the lock this doesn't guarantee that there isn't someone heading back into
Cambridge as they finish their outing since town crews are not restricted
by the time of lighting down.

Typical areas for collisions are:
overtaking on the wrong side past the Cantabs boathouse,
crews going very wide/overtaking under the Green Dragon without a coach to
confirm the river is clear,
crews overtaking at the pinch point just downstream of the P&E,
crews committing to an overtake just upstream of the Railway bridge (i.e.
before you can check the reach is clear of oncoming traffic)

I very much appreciate that training time is increasingly curtailed by
daylight and river traffic, but broken boats and injured rowers will be a
much bigger barrier to successful racing than an extra few seconds behind
someone before starting an overtake. Please could you pass on to your crews
that overtaking should only be carried out if they can first confirm that
there isn't someone coming the other way, rather than just assuming that
no-one will be there.

Best wishes for the last few days of training, racing and most importantly
- BCDs!

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