Hi all,

* Captains please forward to your clubs *

Due to the very large amount of weed in the Cam, powered vessels are being 
forced to use the middle of the river to avoid entangling their propellers. As 
such, they may be more difficult to overtake. However, please remind all of 
your crews and small boats (and in particular the latter) not to overtake on 
the “inside” (meaning overtaking between the boat and the bank it should be 
nearest to).

This is because by doing so, you place that vessel in a very difficult 
situation should there be another boat coming the other way whereby they are 
both obliged to move out of the way of that boat and to avoid colliding with 
you. Instead, you should always overtake on the “wrong” side of the river, 
asking the powered vessel if it is clear to come by if you are unable to make 
that assessment yourself (they almost certainly have a better view than you do, 
and they should be able to temporarily move closer to the bank they should be 
nearest to to give you more room to overtake safely).

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