Hi Nadim,

# from nadim khemir
# on Saturday 06 September 2008 01:18:

>Why not let authors decide which modules they want to get smoked?
>Why not let authors decide which platform they want their modules
> smoked on?

Because they might decide 'none'?  This might eliminate information that 
is useful to the users.

>This information is part of the module meta data.

My 30+ modules will quickly cause me to very personally dislike that 
arrangement, even with my automatic uploader.  Are you going to 
repackage all of your dists to set the smoker preferences?  I cannot 
imagine any scheme of setting preferences in META.yml working out very 

>The all-on or all-off solution is not good.

What is all-or-nothing?

>Neither is the centralized solution.

I would like to hear your thoughts on that.  I understand the 
maintenance and bandwidth/load concerns (though are these not currently 
quite high on the nntp and static site anyway?)

I also see a possible single-point-of-failure issue, but note that 
one-way mirroring is extremely easy and scalable (the CPAN) and it 
looks like the testers are at most going to need to have two streams of 
one-way information (incoming reports and outgoing prefs+data.)  If 
one-way mirroring is easy, two streams of one-way mirror is only twice 
easy, right?

It sure sounds better than SMTP to me.

>If you still opt for the centralized control, will it be possible to
> install a private smoke environment and a private centralized
> control?

That sounds like a mirror, but I guess you might find some way to 
overlay something on your mirror (I'm not sure what your concern is 
though or why your smokes would need to be private unless you are 
smoking in-house code alongside the CPAN -- that would be a cool 
overlay setup.)

From Barbie's description, the new report presentation will be exactly 
just a matter of presentation.  I wonder about getting my cookie from 
my browser to my bot, but otherwise I think it sounds dead-on.  The 
default presentation is about the only global aspect of it, the rest 
should be per-user, so you can see it however you want.

"Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."
--Murphy's Corollary

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